Saturday, July 11, 2009

How do I start?

First off, I'm fine.... On second thought I'm not just fine: I feel like I've finally come home in some ways, and I'm thriving in Lacor, just outside of Gulu in the north of Uganda. I am already in love with this country, with the people and the land. Today, I watched as the new Ugandan board of the Dwon Madiki Partnership revised our old mission and vision, and took full owndership of their organization. It was beautiful. I've had the opportunity to use the camera equipment donated by Kevin Sites to document the re-birth of this truly community based devleopment organization (the DMP) headed entirely by local Ugandans. Today we sat in a meeting for 5 hours, with only a couple crackers and a cup of water for each of our board members.

I also attended grand rounds at Lacor Hospital today (the hospital featured in the film Invisible Children where the night commuting children fled every night to escape the LRA rebels), and took a tour. I saw terrible things, and incredbile things. The ability of the people here to thrive in the face of terrifyingly stark conditions blows my mind.

I am inspired. I know if people here can thrive, find generosity and kindness in their hearts, and never give up on hope, there is hope for me, for this world, and for all of us.

Evan arrives in 10 days, and we're off to hang out with Dr. Ashis Brahma.

I love and miss all of you. Curt, you were right about how I'd feel about medicine...

My deepest gratitude to all of you who supported me with donations, prayers and support. You have no idea how great it is to know you are supporting me. I have recieved a deep soul-level confirmation that I am stepping into the beginning of my vocation.

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