Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Friends, yet again I seek your support for another mission to Uganda. First I must thank you all. Your support both monetary and otherwise have made all the difference. I apologize I haven't been able to stay better in touch, but as usual, medical school keeps me pretty dang busy.
This January I'm going to Lacor Uganda to do a rotation at Lacor Hospital. I'm also bringing 4000 bucks worth of medical supplies to give to Dr Francis, my dear Acholi brother, who spends his weekends running mobile clinics in Internally Displaced Persons camps far from the reach of any NGOs, government or other sort of help, particularly medical. Francis' simple clinics, set up on a papyrus mat under palm trees saves countless lives. He and his friend Dr Justin will see 150 people in a day and work sunup to sundown.
The problem with the medical supplies I'm bringing is this: I still have no antibiotics. I have found with the help of my favorite American Dr, David Boulware, an NGO called JMS that sells drugs in Uganda at cost to medical professionals and organizations doing work for the poor. With one or two thousand dollars, we could save hundreds of lives. With these medicines, children will live who would otherwise die of diarrhea, worms, pneumonia, malaria, etc. Please click on the PayPal button to the right to give your life saving donation, and partner with me and francis in caring for the poor. Help us give children a fighting chance at life.
Thank you all and bless you!
PS I'll be going on 2 mobile clinics if we can raise the money for the medicine, so I'll be able to share photos and stories personally, so you'll be able to see exactly who your generosity helped!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


So I'm in London passing the time in the airport! I'm tired and my back hurts, but I just read my brother's blog about the patience necessary to survive and thrive in Uganda, and I'm reminded of the amazing patience, resilience and quiet Grace of the poeple I'm going to live amongst for the next 5 weeks. My prayer now is that I will be able to live in the moment, be fully present, and experience Beauty and Grace of my surroundings no matter where I am or how my body feels. So, I thank God for the pain in my back, for the incredible generosity of those who were able to contribute to my trip, and for the adventure that is before me. For now, I'm waiting in the airport. I think I'll catch up on my knowledge of infectious disease. I brought some great books. Until we meet again, please, send emails, pray, and don't be a stranger! I love you all. Many of you will be in my heart as I once again travel the red earth and the green fields of Uganda. Peace, Nathan

Friday, June 25, 2010


WOW! Ok, I just found a ticket to Uganda for a thousand bucks, and if I can raise it, I'll be meeting Fr. Leonsyo in Kampala and traveling to Gulu to rendezvous with the now "DR FRANCIS" (now called "DR" thanks to your donations), and my brother Patrick. But I NEED YOUR HELP! Anything you can give will help. This year, as I travel to Uganda, my focus is entirely on learning tropical medicine, learning about the lives of Ugandans, and the strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and resources of the poor communities of northern Uganda. One thing I saw on my last journey was that many of us westerners travel to the poor with our OWN mission, instead of waiting for one to be given to us. Sometimes people with such preplanned missions do wonderful things. But I feel personally called to simply go and make myself available. Francis has arranged for me to work in the hospital outside Gulu, called St. Mary's Lacor. There, I will simply do whatever I'm asked to do. As a 3rd year med student, I will be more prepared to learn effective medicine from my Ugandan colleagues than I was as a second year, since I already have some clinical experience under my belt.
So, I travel to Uganda with your help as a simple student. I do not go with any lofty goals, but simply to open my ears, eyes, and my heart to God and to the people of Uganda. Please click the button on the right to donate. I have only a few days to plan, so if I may be so bold as to ask you not to wait...
Thank you, and bless you ALL!!!
If you cannot give financially, PLEASE send your prayers and positive thoughts and or emails to me, to Father Leonsyo, Dr. Francis, and the people of Uganda and of DMP. Stay well and stay in touch! I'll update this blog when I can!
Peace, Nathan

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Let's do this!

In just a couple hours, we've already made it a fifth of the way there! 100 bucks and counting! Thanks, and keep em coming!! Let's tell Francis he's graduating tomorrow!

My Friend Francis

Dear Friends. On the right of the screen, you will see a picture of Francis, a dear friend of Evan's and mine, and a medical student in Uganda in his final semester. He is so close to being a doctor, but yet quite far, because he can't afford the tuition he must pay in order to take his qualifying exams. This is a man who often spends weekends in refugee camps caring for people even poorer than he is, all day long, for zero pay. He is dedicated to serving his people through medicine. He is a good guy, and it's a crime that he's not better taken care of. He lives in a single room, and when I was there, he had no electricity. So he studies by candlelight. To become an MD, he needs exactly 1,089,000UGX. That is 558.46USD, at the rate of 1USD=1950UGX today. Please take this amazing opportunity to have a hand in helping Francis to become a physician. In only 2 minutes, you can change a life forever by clicking on the paypal link at the right and donating. I will send everything donated, and pay the transfer fee myself. ANd it's urgent. He's in dire straights. Thank you, and bless you. Peace, Nathan

PS this is my personal paypal account for the record.
PPS, I'm also sending Francis a note with all of your first names so he knows how many people are supporting him. If you want to opt out, let me know.